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Category Archives: Writing
Persistance Rewarded: My Novel’s Release Date Pending!
Hello, faithful readers! I sincerely apologize for the lack of posting for the past few weeks. Here’s what I’ve been up to: Editing Ghost Targets 4: Camouflage Writing a short story for the next volume of A Consortium of Worlds Trying to read a book that’s not for work Making sure all the pieces are into […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Flamin’ Friday: photo shoot!
I don’t really have anything to say today except that I am so grateful to Nick Conley, Becca Campbell, and the Lockhart family for indulging my fantasy and taking photos for the cover of Into the Flames! Nick was my very talented photographer, Becca provided the cover and pose ideas, and Rachael Lockhart was my […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Uncategorized
Flamin’ Friday: The Final Stages
Good morning, gentle readers! The release date for Into the Flames is less than two months away, and we’re falling into the final stages of production. Tomorrow we are doing a photo shoot for the cover. Sometime this weekend (I know, I wish I could pin myself down on a more definite time) I will […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Flamin’ Friday: A bit of this and a pinch of that
Today is Friday, so it stands to reason that we would be having a little Flamin’ Friday over here at Stormy Night Publishing. So, you ask, what have I been doing since I wrote “The End” on my soon-to-be-published novel? Well, mostly I’ve been basking in the joy of an almost-completed project and pestering everybody […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: A Consortium of Worlds, Consortium books, e-mag, publishing
El Fin
I feel this moment deserves a blog post. I finished writing Into the Flames! Now, I know it’s not done. It still has a lot of feedback from beta readers and editors to be processed. Sean has already told me of some problem areas that need my attention. But still, I finished it! This is […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: Ideal Readers, On Writing, sisters, stephen king, twins
Flamin’ Friday: updates and excerpts
I’ve been editing a lot of stuff for the Consortium lately, so sadly I don’t have this amazing blog post to make up for not having one at all last week. But while I’m here, I’ll say, the sequel to Taming Fire is coming out next week. You’re read Taming Fire by now, right? You […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Uncategorized
Tagged as: A Consortium of Worlds, excerpt, Rahab, Taming Fire, The Consortium, the Dragonswarm, writing
Flamin’ Friday: Confessions
Confession number one: I missed two weeks of Flamin’ Friday posts. In case you didn’t notice. I kept putting off writing my posts, until Saturday arrived adn I realized I hadn’t written anything. I decided to let these dates slip past rather than scramble to put something together. Confession number two: I did not finish […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo
Flamin’ Friday: Grover Cleveland Boarding School
For this week’s Flamin’ Friday, we’re going to look at the main setting for each of the books: Grover Cleveland Boarding School. During the rise of Harry Potter and the enchanting Hogwarts, imagine my joy at discovering that boarding schools were something that also occurred in the American Muggle world. That’s right, we have boarding schools right […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: boarding school, writing
Flamin’ Friday: the series/welcome to NaNoWriMo!
So here I am, writing a blog post about NaNoWriMo instead of actually writing on my nano novel. Yes, readers, procrastination abounds when it comes to writing. I’m usually great at getting things done, but when it comes to the thing I enjoy the most, I put it off like…I don’t know…a stripper puts off […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo
Flamin’ Friday: Movin’ Right Along
I have to admit folks, that there were about three weeks there where I didn’t even look at Into the Flames. Or I would open the document and wait for it to load only to get distracted again. My life has been pretty hectic recently, but after things calmed down a little (just a little, […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: editing, NaNoWriMo