Category Archives: Uncategorized


>I wonder if people realize just how amazing our government is. Sure, we don’t like our presidents or our judges or a lot of the people in our legislature. But at least we still have the same system of government since the inception of our country. Others can be voted in and things can change. […]

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>Chronicles of Narnia

>Today I listened to the soundtrack to Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. Then I embarrassed myself over how excited I got over the new trailer for Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Then I decided to reread the whole Chronicles of Narnia before December. Some people *coughCalebcough* think the series to pedantic and shallow, but I […]

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>How may I help you?

>Trying something new:put on receptionist duty in the Editing department at Tate. So far have answered the phone three times, and once it was actually for me! Don’t misunderstand that exclamation point, that was more terror than excitement. Plus neither of my bosses are in the office today so I am not getting my questions […]

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>Shark Teeth.

>Today I learned that…in medieval times people thought shark teeth were fossilized dragon’s tongues. Somebody else thought that they fell from the sky during eclipses. They were used in magical potions and worn as good luck charms. Nicolas Steno sadly enlightened the common populace in 1667. Now they’re just known as shark teeth.

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>I see you.

>Today’s challenge: trying to weave together the disappearance of Jean and Hawkins with Rahab confronting Bracken about his powers. The two strands are inseparable in the story line, but it’s hard to balance Rahab’s desire to find her friend with her concern and compassion for Bracken’s inner struggle. It’s taking too much out of me. […]

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>Tate: Editing Division

>Finally! I have been taken “across the street!” I’m not really sure why I put that in quotes, since it literally is across the street. I’m speaking, of course, about the room full of copy and conceptual editors where I will be working at Tate from now on. I know that my boss, Curtis was […]

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>[insert yet to be renamed Christian gardening book title here]

>Today I learned that:Gardening books always have boring titles, and most of the time they’re ridiculously long, too. I was pleasantly surprised when I found that my supervisor called me to his office not to tell me what I did wrong or right (which would have been nice) but to ask me my opinion on […]

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>Penn Square Mall

>Today I learned that:A trip to the mall can be at once terrifying, exciting, tiring, and satisfying. This evening Sean and I decided to finally fill out his wardrobe with a few more dress pants and shirt for his “real” job. Those suit racks at Dillards can be intimidating! However, we summoned our courage and […]

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>First Day at Tate

>What I learned at Tate Publishing today:Well, I spend most of my day doing conceptual editing for a book titled “Gardening Enhances my Faith.” I learned a lot about composting, planting potatoes, and how the government is trying to take over all farming in the US so that…well, I’m not sure exactly why, but apparently […]

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>Menu for the week

>My newest goal is to plan meals so that we actually eat well and don’t end up eating cereal all the time. I planned this week with the thoughts that I had lots of leftover meatballs from today and I also have a dozen brown eggs from John and Jayne: Mon: Leftover Pasta with Chicken […]

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