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Category Archives: Writing
Flamin’ Friday: Mark and Luke Carmichael
November is quickly approaching, and I’m nowhere near ready for it! I’m supposed to be finishing up my most recent draft of Into the Flames as we speak and getting ready to launch into it’s companion book for NaNoWriMo (that National Novel Writing Month, for those of you not in the know). This companion book […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo, Writing
Flamin’ Friday: Meet Scout
Ah, Scout. You were the first character I created for this world. Jean Elizabeth “Scout” Wren gets her name directly from Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. She has one older brother, Jeremy “Jem” Scott, and a younger sister, Louise “Dill.” She is very unlike me. She loves extreme sports, getting into dangerous situations, talks […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Uncategorized
Tagged as: Flaming Friday, harper lee, Scout, to kill a mockingbird, writing
Flamin’ Friday: Meet Bracken Carnegie
Bracken Carnegie is the “bad boy” at Grover Cleveland Boarding School. He transferred to the school just two weeks before Rahab. Rumor has it that he was kicked out of his previous school and was recently incarcerated for murder. I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations. Bracken has been a part of Into the Flames since […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Uncategorized
Tagged as: Bracken
Flamin’ Friday: Meet Rahab Carmichael
By now you probably already know a bit about Rahab Carmichael. You know that she has the same name as a harlot in the Bible, she has stubby blond braids, and she is an extreme introvert. What you may not know was that her parents were originally going to name her Matthew, she wears braids […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Uncategorized
Tagged as: Flaming Friday, my writing, Rahab
Flamin’ Friday: Who’s Your Favorite Character?
As you may know, my favorite part of a story is strong character development. What a strange coincidence, then, that my beta readers often comment on how well developed and diverse my characters are. Last month we talked a little bit about how to develop deep characters, and a lot about my delight in the […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: Bracken, character development, Flaming Friday, Rahab
Welcome to Flaming Friday!
Welcome to the first edition of Flaming Friday, folks! Draft number: 4 (ish) Word count of draft 3: 63,575 Word count of draft 4: 24,220 What’s Going On, Jessie? What I’m doing right now: Starting the next draft of my book. That’s right, kiddos, going right back to the beginning and starting all over. Well, […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: Aaron Pogue, editing, Flaming Friday, The Consortium
September, Fridays, and Flames
It’s the second day of September, my favorite month of the year. And that’s right, fellow readers! Next week will be our very first Flaming Friday! You didn’t forget about it, did you? I know I haven’t. I’m ready to give you more information than you ever wanted to know about Rahab and her world. […]
The NaNoWriMo Approacheth!
I know for most of you, November seems like a lifetime away. Here we are, in the midst of the hottest summer any of us have every experienced (or so I assume), and it feels like we will never hit fall, much less winter. But we dream of November almost daily and think of it […]
Character Development
Ever since I presented my first draft of Into the Flames to my creative writing class in college, I’ve received multiple comments on how developed my characters are. And the funny thing was, everybody seemed surprised by this fact! I suppose this is because they thought that I had just made up these characters for the purpose of the class. […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Writing
Tagged as: character development
Introducing–Flaming Friday!
Yeah, I know, it sounds retarded. Josh, bring on the gay fireman jokes. But I’m just so excited about Into the Flames and its ever-approaching publication date. Which is March 2012, by the way. So, in honor of my YA urban fantasy novel and in order to get you equally excited, we are going to […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: Bracken, Into the Flames, my writing, Rahab, writing