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Category Archives: Writing
>Dreams –>Stories
>This isn’t something I learned today, because I’ve already tried to do it before, but I will reiterate here because it is so frustrating. Sometimes I have dreams that give me such intense emotions that I when I wake up I want to recreate those feelings for others. But when I look back on my […]
Posted in Writing
>Waiting for my muse
>Thoughts of the Day:A dirty Bella is better than a muddy Bella.Nachos are a great way to end a cold, long day.It’s already the fifth and I’ve only read 1 1/2 books! Somebody do something to inspire me to write. Without creative writing class or NaNoWriMo to spur me on, I’ve found my writing dwindling. […]
Posted in Writing
>I still don’t understand why the year starts in winter instead of fall.
>So here’s the burning question for the new year: will I be able to stick with writing on just one book long enough to see it to the end?There are so many characters in my head, just waiting for their stories to be told. How can I hold the others back and pick one in […]
Posted in Writing
>Maybe the reason I wanted to log on a few days ago was so I could discuss the awesomeness of Scrivener.I have been playing with it for days and still haven’t gotten around to writing anything because I’ve been so busy updating the background and research folders. Since I love organization almost as much as […]
Posted in Writing
>Tales of woe from the internet
>So I feel really stupid right now because the reason I wasn’t receiving emails on my new alumni account was because I had it set to forward all my emails to a non-existent email address. And the reason I haven’t written on here for a while is because my password or something was messed up […]
Posted in Writing
>Mr. Lukas, Nobbian Minister of Foreign Relations
>This is why Mr. Lukas is quickly becoming my favorite character in my novel: As the Princess Adana stood over him, he trembled and kept his eyes on the carpet. He could only hope for mercy or a swift death. He didn’t see any point in begging either way.“You be Nobbian,” she said finally, and […]
Posted in Pocatello
>And the topic for November is…
>So I spontaneously decided to jump on the band wagon and participate in NaNoWriMo this year. (Click here if you don’t know what that is.) I’m very nervous about this because not only have I only finished about three stories in my life, all of them have been worthless and very short. I’ve never written […]
>Writing update
>Yesterday I read through my whole “Into the Flames” manuscript and made notes about what I want to add. I did not, however, get a breakthrough on the whole “major conflict” issue. I ultimately decided to reject the “Bracken’s sister in trouble” route because that would focus to much on him and his inner struggles. […]
Posted in Into the Flames
>the work of an author
>Thought of the Day:The great thing about being an author is that it’s okay to get our ideas from ordinary activities. In fact, we’re encouraged to take every-day things and turn them into extraordinary stories. It makes me not feel quite so bad to just sit and watch people pass me by…I’m formulating, really! It’s […]
Posted in Writing
>The closed door
>Lately I’ve been writing with the door closed (read King’s “On Writing” to know what that means). King says that’s a good thing, that authors should write for themselves first, and write for readers the second draft, but lately I’ve been feeling that if I keep writing for myself I won’t ever get up the […]
Posted in Pocatello