>Tales of woe from the internet

>So I feel really stupid right now because the reason I wasn’t receiving emails on my new alumni account was because I had it set to forward all my emails to a non-existent email address. And the reason I haven’t written on here for a while is because my password or something was messed up and since my email was not receiving emails, I couldn’t send an email to myself to reset my password. And now I’ve forgotten everything that I wanted to say here.
Instead I will just tell you that I have started re-reading through my NaNoWriMo script and have found more worth keeping than I ever thought possible. True, I’m going to totally re-write some scenes and have to attribute so dialogue to completely different characters, but I’m amazed at what will remain. And at how much more I still have left to write. I’ve decided to go for a Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone length novel on my first attempt. As you know, it is the smallest of the HPs, but still rich in plot and wit–so I should have ample space to tell my story as well. In case you were wondering, the Philosopher’s Stone is 76,944 words. (No, I didn’t count them myself.)
Oh, here’s another tale of woe about my experience with the internet lately. I tried to buy Sean’s bd present online, but when I pushed “checkout” it never loaded the page. I hit refresh about five time, also tried redirecting from the page and then coming back to it a few minutes later, all for naught. It’s really frustrating and if I can’t get it to work in the next couple of days I’m going to have to get him an inferior version elsewhere.
That’s all for now. Except, I’m really glad there is no wind today or it would be unbearably cold.

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