>Yesterday I read through my whole “Into the Flames” manuscript and made notes about what I want to add. I did not, however, get a breakthrough on the whole “major conflict” issue. I ultimately decided to reject the “Bracken’s sister in trouble” route because that would focus to much on him and his inner struggles. This book is about Ray. Bracken can have his own book to work through his own issues. Mom, this is a reminder that I need to give you a copy of my manuscript. Yes, I will give you my hard copy since I know you don’t like to read it on the computer, but that means you’ll have to wait until I’ve finished with the notes I made on it. I’m sorry I didn’t think to give it to you during Fall Break.
I’m also working on another story with the Door Closed–i.e. you can’t read it, but I wanted you to know my reasoning for being distracted from Into the Flames.
Thought of the Day: sometimes I wish I had become a singer instead of a writer. But then, I can still sing, it’s not like my voice has been taken away from me, so I can really do both at the same time. But doing it for “real” would have been nice.
>Sometime I want to read more of Into the Flames. So…if you ever need a beta reader or just want to send it over, I would LOVE to read it 🙂 Just sayin'. Hope things are going well!
>Thanks, Bailey, I will definitely keep you in mind. As I was going through my manuscript yesterday I was reminded how I always appreciated your insightful comments. I was also thinking that I'd like to read more of your story, too!