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>Ode to September
>A new month means:A new set of books to read at Tate.A new book to review for the Consortium.My birthday is almost here!Bouquets of freshly-sharpened pencils.Sneakers with shiny white shoe-laces.It is almost not summer anymore!
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>San Antonio
>Highlights from our trip to San Antonio:Five people simultaneously chanting “Bless You” when I sneezed at Sea World.Flying off the tube at the bottom of the water slide and hitting my elbow and the lifeguard not believing me when I said I was okay.Sitting on the far side of the stage at Azul so we […]
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>Lessons from the office
>Today I learned:Patrick is a big fan of strapless bras.James turns 30 today.The movie Friday the Thirteen was released the day James was born.The Knights Templar are the reason why Friday the Thirteenth is unlucky.“Anybody” can pull off a dramatic reading of Tantacles of Destruction.My earrings make great wind whistlers.
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>It’s Wednesday. What else is new?
>Today I learned that:Replace All isn’t caps sensitive. Which sucks for me because now I can’t just find and replace all Heavens with heavens and all CHAPTERs with Chapters. I have to find next for each one and change it myself. Oh well, it keeps me busy.The office’s most exciting revelation today? That CMOS changed […]
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>the Consortium
>What is the Consortium? According to the site, it’s “a nonprofit organization based out of Oklahoma City, OK, which supports the arts, encourages the development of local artists, and generates high-quality works of art that directly benefit the local community.”So what does that really mean?It means that they are an organization of writers, painters, photographers, […]
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>Dream On (The Neil Patrick Harris/Matthew Morrison version, of course)
>So now that I have a new job as a copyeditor at Tate Publishing (!!!!) I’ll be sitting at a desk reading books for 27 hours a week. This means a lot of time that I can listen to music. Here’s what I’ve been listening to recently:AnberlinOwl City3 Doors DownGlee SoundtrackKeane As much as I […]
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>Words for the day
>Lauren: “Would you like the job?”Me: “Yes, please.”Lauren: “Okay, it’s yours.”
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>Goodbye and good riddance
>Due to Sean getting a job at Tinker and me hopefully getting a job at Tate, I quit Sonic this week. Sean has been busy filling out paperwork for his fancy Security Clearance with Abacus Tech, a subcontractor with Tinker AFB. I have my official interview with Tate for a copyediting position tomorrow. I can’t […]
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>Jeggings and other thoughts on pant trends.
>I’m sorry, but Jeggings? Really? In a society where almost two-thirds of the population are obese, who thought that these would be a good idea?Also, just let me say a few more things on fashion while I’m here. I am so glad that long shirts are back. I know that they make my hips looks […]
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>Time changes everything
>Through some weird twist of scheduling, I don’t have to go to work at Sonic tomorrow until 9:30, which means I don’t have to go to bed at some unreasonably early hour. It’s funny how the world looks different when you’re not sitting around just dreading the time you have to go to bed just […]
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