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Category Archives: Writing
While Visions of Vampires and Spaceships Danced in Her Head…
It’s been a while since I posted here, and quite a bit has happened since I did. So now is the time to catch you up. 1. I finished my latest draft of my novel! Grover Cleveland Academy, Book 2, is now in the hands of my editor. I am eagerly awaiting her feedback and […]
Posted in Editing, Into the Flames, Writing
Finishing Goals and Making New Ones
So this month I am going to finish the second draft of my second novel in the Grover Cleveland Academy Series (why can’t it just have a name already?!?!?!?!). I’ve had the end in sight for about a week now, and I’m so excited that I can’t help thinking that everything that I want to […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: Grover Cleveland Academy, junowrimo, NaNoWriMo
Short Stories
I haven’t written much here lately because I’ve been busy with Unstressed Syllables. I have a new blog post out today, by the way. I’ve also been working on my second Grover Cleveland Novel and a little bit of editing. Between all that, short stories have been on my mind recently. With the successful completion of my […]
Posted in Writing
The Next Big Thing
Okay, so both Joshua Unruh and Courtney Cantrell tagged me to do this, so I guess I can’t ignore it. The point is to talk about the next writing project that you are working on. Go to the links above to see how Josh and Courtney answered the questions to “The Next Big Thing,” and […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Writing
Tagged as: Aaron Pogue, Becca Campbell, Courtney Cantrell, Grover Cleveland Academy, Joshua Unruh, novel, Thomas Beard, writing
NaNoWriMo 2012: The End of the Road
That’s right, folks. I wrote 50,000 words in one month. I dedicated all of November to writing out my second Grover Cleveland novel, no matter how bad it sounded in type. It was certainly a bumpy road. There were some days when I would write over four thousand words, and some days when I couldn’t […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo
Tagged as: editing, first drafts, Grover Cleveland Academy, NaNoWriMo, second drafts, writing
NaNoWriMo 2012: The Halfway Point
We are officially halfway through November, and that means, naturally, we’re halfway through NaNoWriMo. Things are continuing to go well for me. I’m 2k words ahead and plan to keep it that way. I had little bit of a struggle over the weekend to get in my wordcount, mostly because I was at my parents’ […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo
Tagged as: Bracken, NaNoWriMo, Neil Gaiman, Rahab, sequel, Shannon Hale
NaNoWriMo 2012: The Plot Thickens
We are now a week into NaNoWriMo, and so far I am pleasantly surprised with myself. I got together with some writer friends on Halloween to usher in the new month. They must have inspired me a lot, because I started out strong with over 1500 words in the first hour and a half of November […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo
Tagged as: Bracken, Grover Cleveland Academy, Into the Flames, mywriting, NaNoWriMo, Rahab
NaNoWriMo 2012
It’s Halloween, and tonight I’ll be dressing up as an author. Haha. That’s a joke, because I really am an author. Tonight we ring in the craziness that is NaNoWriMo. I’ve heard pros and cons concerning whether or not authors should bother with NaNoWriMo, and while I think both sides have merit, I’m opting to […]
Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo
City of Orphans: update
So far my characters have been imprisoned, mocked, tortured, and chased out of one country and into another. Can things really get any worse? How about starting the story completely over and rewriting it from another point of view? Yeah, I just did that. Ah, we fickle writers. We can never make up our minds, […]
Posted in NaNoWriMo, Pocatello, Writing
Tagged as: Aaron Pogue, fantasy, my writing, NaNoWriMo, Pocatello