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Category Archives: Writing
David vs. Julia, continued
I stared across the counter at him with steely resolve. He was sitting at his usual table, one hand gripping the edge of the Daily Oklahoman that hid his face from view, the other idly playing with the handle of his cracked coffee mug. He had been a regular at the diner for almost five […]
Posted in Writing
Tagged as: David vs. Julia, Doctor Who, first person narrative
Tinkering with Stories
For the past three months I’ve been working on To See Clearly, the third installment in my Grover Cleveland Academy series. Unfortunately, I haven’t made as much progress as I’d hoped I would by now, and I’m getting discouraged. It almost makes me not want to write at all. But not writing makes me feel […]
Posted in Personal, Writing
Tagged as: Aladdin, Doctor Who, Grover Cleveland Academy, Time Lords
The Soldier and Kerri now avaliable!
I’m proud and excited to announce that my first short story has been published and is ready for your e-reader! The Soldier and Kerri is a fantasy story set in the world of Pocatello. Only .99c to download directly to your Kindle, so why not give it a try? After three hundred years of oppression, […]
Posted in Pocatello
Tagged as: Adam Ferrando, e-book, fantasy, Kindle, Pocatello, self-publishing, short story, unicorns
Fairytales, or, I love Aladdin
So last week was my birthday, and my husband, the wonderful and thoughtful planning person that he is, bought me a gift off my Amazon wish list the day before my birthday. Unwittingly he purchased the thing I wanted the most, a blue-ray version of Aladdin. Aladdin is my favorite Disney princess movie because Aladdin is […]
Posted in Personal, Writing
Tagged as: Aladdin, Disney Princess, Fairy tales, fairy tales retold, Princess Jasmine, writing
Tales from Pocatello
If you’re reading this post and you haven’t bought a copy of Diving In yet, then shame on you! How can you like me as a person but not love what I have written?!?! Just kidding. I know that every book isn’t for every person. Maybe you don’t like my writing style. Or you think […]
Posted in Pocatello
Thank You
My second novel is out in the world, and I want to thank everyone who has already taken the time to buy it and read it. Last year when my first novel was published, I hadn’t even formed the plot for Diving In–didn’t even think I would write a direct sequel. But now here it […]
Posted in Writing
Tagged as: book review, Diving In, Grover Cleveland Academy, looking back, publishing, Rahab, writing
Diving In, Now in [E-] Stores!
It’s finally here! May I proudly present to you Diving In, the second book in the Grover Cleveland Academy series. Buy a copy for your e-reader today! Buy it for Kindle! Buy it for Nook! Buy it from Kobo! Buy it as a paperback! Synopsis: After the events of Into the Flames, the first book of the Grover […]
Posted in Writing
Tagged as: Draft2Digital, Grover Cleveland Academy, novel, published books, Rahab
Remember me…Jessie?
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Which you probably didn’t need me to point out. You had probably forgotten all about me and now here I’ve gone reminding you that I was absent. Oops. But life keeps moving on even while I keep thinking about writing posts, and then the time that I had […]