Category Archives: Writing

>Janus at the door: looking behind and ahead

>I thought now would be a good time to look back at where I was a year ago in my life. Well, weather-wise, we have seen some definite changes. There was no blizzard on Christmas, and it has hardly gotten below freezing this winter. Global Warming must be true! In more good news, my house […]

Posted in Into the Flames, Reading

>Post NaNoWriMo Plans

>Now that the frenzy of NaNoWriMo is over, most people like to breathe, take a step back, and then delve into revision everything that they’ve just spewed out over the course of November. For me, while Bracken may one day become his own novel, nanowrimo was more the process of understand Bracken’s backstory so that […]

Posted in Into the Flames, NaNoWriMo, Reading

>What is your superpower?

>As many of you know, I have a world where most of the inhabitants have superpowers. The point is that it is the people without superpowers who are different, and they have to find their way in a world where being normal isn’t considered normal. Did I also mention that this is a world of […]

Posted in Pocatello

>Many magical musings

>“If you must know, I didn’t know he was the fiance when he plopped.” –AlexIn this movie, Emma is confused how Alex’s plot and characters can develop even while he’s in the middle of writing the story. Two pages before, the main character meets John Shaw. Then he conveniently finds out that Shaw is planning […]

Posted in Pocatello, Writing

>Book update for July

>Just finished Wuthering Heights last night. Now my currently reading list consists of:Les MiserablesJane EyreThe 10 PM QuestionThe Secret Life of Words: How English Became English also, I’m almost done with my first draft of Into the Flames. Just about two thousand words to go, really, if I end it where I think I’m going […]

Posted in Into the Flames, Reading, Writing

>Sol Stein, who’s he?

>The essence of dramatic conflict lies in the clash of wants. (Sol Stein) There’s so much that I could write about today. The above quote is from “Stein on Writing,” a book I picked up during lunch today at Tate. Nothing that he said seemed very revolutionary, and really nothing that I read was any […]

Posted in Into the Flames, Writing

>Getting the creative juices flowing

>So here’s where I stand on Into the Flames, the novel I WILL settle down and finish this year. Word Count: 18,526 I think I’m about half way through the plot right now, maybe two thirds, but I’m pretty sure I can add some scenes and embellish throughout to make it a “real” novel length.I […]

Posted in Into the Flames

>carhopping and stuff

>So after taking my poll and having two people vote (thanks mom and mar!), I have decided to rededicate my life to that which is the ultimate goal in my life: finishing a novel. Since it feels like I spend about eighty percent of my life in Edmond, I decided that whenever I’m in Edmond […]

Posted in Writing

>come to the poll!

>I think one of my originals purposes in this blog was to do post bits of my stories on here, like I used to do on myspace. But I keep putting it off becuase I know that I can post a lot more story than I can write, and I don’t want to get to […]

Posted in Into the Flames, Pocatello, Writing

>Just open the document and start typing!

>Today I learned that…Even if I don’t “feel” like writing, I still feel better when I write.I’ve probably learned this before, but I’d forgotten.

Posted in Writing
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