Category Archives: Uncategorized

>Happy MLK day

>Today I learned that:After this week I can’t work at the Chamber of Commerce anymore.

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>Six month evaluation

>Now that I have lived in my new house for approximately six months, I think it’s time to talk about its pros and cons. Before, I don’t think I knew the house well enough. Later, and I would be more willing to overlook its flaws, and the things that excite me about it now will […]

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>Facebook photos.

>Something somebody else should learn today:If around nintey percent of the pictures you upload to facebook are of you and/or your friends’ faces really close together and smiling, it tells me that you have no life besides pretending to have friends. What did I learn today? I learned that I can get up to a […]

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>American Girl

>Today I watched the Kit Kittredge movie with Mara and then out of curiousity went to the American Girl website. So today I learned about all the new American Girls they have, namely Julie (1974) and Rebecca (1914). I also learned that they made a movie out of the 2009 Girl of Today: Chrissa.And that’s […]

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>You learn something new every day…

>That being said, I’m going to try to post on here each day with something I have learned. Most of the time it’s going to be stupid stuff, but hey, maybe I will come across something important along the way. No harm in trying, right? Eesh, two cliches in one post. Must move on. Today […]

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>Our Christmas adventure of 2009

>This Christmas started out looking pretty dismal when, on Christmas Eve, we realized that the snow outside was coming down a little too hard to make it to Norman. We had been in our own cozy world that morning, getting ready to leave, and it never occurred to me that we wouldn’t be able to […]

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>Phone calls.

>Thought of the Day:If you don’t have time to answer the phone, don’t answer it. Don’t pick it up, listen to me identify myself, then say, “I can’t talk right now, call me back later.”We have this thing called Caller ID now so that if you were waiting for that one important call and wanting […]

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>Band of the Week

>If you love Relient K, then you’ll love Owl City. If you’ve ever wanted to hear a song about dentistry, you’ll want to listen to Owl City. If you like doing the Carlton in your chair, you should get Owl City’s latest album. And if this song doesn’t make you want to run out to […]

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>My thanksgiving list

>This year I am particularly thankful for:My new house and my pets who always snuggle with me when I feel lonely or depressed.My job at the Mustang Chamber of Commerce and the opportunity it gives me to meet prestigious members of my community.My husband and the fact that he has a job that he enjoys […]

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