>My thanksgiving list

>This year I am particularly thankful for:
My new house and my pets who always snuggle with me when I feel lonely or depressed.
My job at the Mustang Chamber of Commerce and the opportunity it gives me to meet prestigious members of my community.
My husband and the fact that he has a job that he enjoys and that can lead to bigger, better jobs in the future.
Not being in school anymore and choosing to learn stuff instead of being forced to.
Despite the fact that I hate wearing roller skates at Sonic, I am thankful that now I am a decent skater and I might wear them just for fun someday when I quit.
Courtney Cantrell convincing me to participate in NaNoWriMo this year and thus I proved to myself that I can crank out over 3,000 words a day if I put my mind to it.
Sean for listening to me verbally work out my plots and characters with lots of hand gestures, and actually sounding like he cares.
My Kindle and all the books out there that I have yet to read, and all the knowledge and entertainment just waiting to be gleaned from them…
My whole wonderful family who made me who I am and claim me as their own!

Quote of the Day:
Mara, thank you for being such a wonderful helper today. And Jessie, thank you for…….being you. –Ellen Sue

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