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>Sonic ServSafe class yesterday
>Yesterday I learned that:Botox is an injection of Botulism under your skin. Botulism is a bacteria that paralyzes you. If you eat it, it’s pretty much fatal.Now, I guess there are lots of different things that we use in everyday life that could kill you if you eat it, but I’m a little disquieted by […]
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>Lessons Learned This Week
>What I learned Monday:If you’re trying to shove something down your cat’s throat, you should probably be wearing some kind of protective armor. Or, just don’t shove something down your cat’s throat. What I learned Tuesday:You can think you’re doing everything right, and it’s still your fault. Also, I should triple check how many boxes […]
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>Graduation day
>Two things about this week:1. Breezie’s baby was born, Wednesday, 28 April, 2010. This lovely boy is yet to be named, but Mom is calling him Harper in honor of his being born on Harper Lee’s birthday. Can’t wait to go down to Lawton to welcome this new addition to the Oldham family!2. Sean graduates […]
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>Mid-week musings
>Yesterday I learned:the first ten “letters” of the Japanese alphabet. Arigato, Elyssa Dolinger! Today I learned:That sometimes I can tell people what to do and they will do it without complaining and then we will all have a good day. I wish it were Friday, but other than that I’m cool.
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>Plans for this summer
>Plans for things we can do in/around Mustang this summer with either my family or just Sean: Trips to Lushberries in YukonSkating Rink in YukonGo to the Library and walk around Wild Horse ParkNightly Carnival in Mustang Comment if you think of anything to add to the list!
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>Today I learned:How to “program” the headsets at work. We have four headsets and three channels that they run off of. This means that two of them are “buddies,” and you can hear them on each other. THe point of having buddy headsets is so that a person new to taking orders can hear a […]
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>Yesterday I learned that:I really enjoy playing Boggle. I know that the only reason I won was because John can’t spell and Sean was out of practice, but it still was fun. Sean and I spent the snow storm of Saturday at John and Jayne’s house, eating and playing games. Today we are resting up […]
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>Happy Hour and forgetting what I learned
>Today I learned…something, but I already forgot what it was. Somebody at work said something and I said, “What does that mean?” and then she told me and said, “You learn something new every day, and that’s what you learned for today.” But so much for that.Today was my first day as a manager working […]
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>Today I learned that:the top of the steamer is REALLY HOT. I learned this with a yelp and a burned finger. I hope that coney was worth it. In other news, I had a really good day at work today, and I look forward to a great afternoon and evening and I can’t wait for […]
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