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Category Archives: Writing
The Appeal of the Short Story
In honor of short stories, this post will be rather short. These past few weeks have been a continuing adventure in my journey to learn how to write short stories. Now that I’ve sunk my teeth into the genre (does it count as a genre?), I feel as though the doors have opened for me. […]
Posted in Pocatello, Writing
Tagged as: Ernest Hemingway, short story
What I Learned from Courtney Cantrell and Becca J. Campbell
Greetings, gentle readers! I hope your Fourth of July was filled with happy traditions that bespoke of our nation’s origins. I myself watched the musical 1776 and ate a sno cone. You may have heard me talk about the Consortium before. I won’t go into grand detail, but shortly put it is a conglomeration of artists who […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Writing
Progress Report
Novel: Into the Flames Publication Date: March 2012 Publishers: Consortium Books Author: Yours Truly (Jessie E.) Progress: Writing the second draft Word Count: 45,500. I plan to have the final draft at around 60k. Other: I finally put in the chapters. So now I can tell you with pride that I am in chapter nine. […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Writing
I like music a lot.
It’s been a long week, fellow readers. And for once, it’s not because I’ve been drowning myself in editing and writing. Sunday through Wednesday I was in Lawton with Mara, three of my nieces, and my nephew. We had a good time going to the spray park and eating homemade pizza and going up to the Omniplex (I […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Personal
Tagged as: Bracken, Into the Flames, music, my writing, Rahab
Into the Flames: Origins
I think Rahab might have looked something like this at age eight or nine: Into the Flames has come a long way from the very small idea that began in my brain as a teenager. In all actuality, Into the Flames was supposed to be a sequel to another book I had written, Born to […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Writing
Tagged as: Into the Flames, Rahab, writing
Six Reasons Why This Blog Post Is Lame
I have to admit something to you all. I am on the brink of being overwhelmed, and that is why you have not had an overabundance of blog posts from me recently. This is all completely my fault. Offered projects whose completion dates loomed far in the future or even in that wonderful land of […]
Posted in Writing
Tagged as: editing, my writing, NaNoWriMo, Reading
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
My friends, I think it is time I officially said something. That something is that my novel, Into the Flames, is scheduled to be published. Consortium Books has graciously allowed me to line up in the queue, and my release date is set for mid-March 2012. Now I have much work to do before then, […]
Posted in Into the Flames
Tagged as: Bracken, Consortium books, Into the Flames, my writing, Rahab, The Consortium, writing
My Weakness Is Found in…My Strength?
This might be a “duh” to you, but I just had a big realization today. I love rules. I thrive on them. I’m not classified as an ISTJ for nothing. And sometimes this makes me come off mean and heartless. I don’t want to be that way, but rules are really important, people! On Tuesday […]
Posted in Personal, Writing
Tagged as: editing, Myers-Briggs, Tate
Personality Tests and Short Stories
This week at work we each took the Myers-Briggs test and discussed how knowing our strengths and weaknesses can make us better editors and workers in general. This reminded me of Becca Campbell’s blog post on figuring out your character’s personality types. I haven’t done that yet, but I have for many years had character […]
Posted in Writing
Tagged as: Myers-Briggs, secondary characters, short story
An Uber Exciting Post That You Should Read
As an editor at Tate, part of my job is to help authors come up with good book titles. Most of the books come with titles and can remain as is, but a few come to us nameless or, worse, misnamed. Then we enlist the aid of fellow editors to help us brainstorm appropriate titles […]
Posted in Into the Flames, Personal
Tagged as: Bracken, Consortium books, Into the Flames, my writing, Rahab, The Consortium