Category Archives: Uncategorized

>Spring Break 2010

>The ides of March are fast approaching as are the warm winds of Spring! Spring Break is next week at OC and Sean and I have some great plans of taking off work and spending time with family and friends! Time continues to pass and my life continues to go on. It is full and […]

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>my weekend

>This weekend I learned:a little bit more about the roller derby. went to see the okc “red dirt rebellion” skate against…some other team. then went home and watched the movie “Whip it.” Today I learned:one should really double check which end of the seasoned salt one is opening so that one doesn’t dump a ton […]

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>Book list for 2010

>Book Count so far for 2010: ten1) Heat Wave by “Richard Castle”2) About a Boy by Nick Hornby3) Pirate Latitudes by the sadly defunct Michael Crichton4) All six of the Rebecca books in American Girls series, but just counted as one book because they’re so thin.5) Pretties by Scott Westerfeld6) Anthem by Ayn Rand7) Rest […]

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>Today I learned that…I start my managerial duties on Monday! I’m going to be opening weekdays for now on. Let’s hope this turns out as well in reality as it did in my mind.

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>Today I learned that…if I don’t get any snuggle/sleep time with Sean, I wake up cranky, and the whole day goes downhill from there. Probably not the best supportive wife for the stressed student.

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>snow “storm”

>Today I learned that…it can snow and I still have to go to work!

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>A story with a little change

>As most of you know, I am a carhop at Sonic. When I come home at night, it is customary to empty the contents of my apron into a half-gallon pitcher next to the couch. This is usually a couple or more dollars in change; I never bother to count. The change in the pitcher […]

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>Look Alikes.

>For doppelganger week on facebook I went to to see who I looked like, and it kept telling me Rogue from the x-men movies. I don’t believe it, but find it funny considering my twin dressed as her for Hallowe’en.I also learned that I look like Shiri Appleby, Robin Wright Penn, Lindsey Lohan, and […]

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>Inside of the snowglobe

>Stats so far for this winter storm of Jan2010:Meals cooked: 3Loads of Laundry washed and folded: 2TV shows caught up on: 3Pictures taken: 7 (Bella wouldn’t sit still)Hours spent on facebook: too manyPages read: 210Hours worked: 00000 Still have plans for more reading, more cooking, and a lot of family-time-spending!

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>[*DISCLAIMER*] I claim no authoritative interpretation, nor can I even boast that this is going to be at all smart. This is merely my first impression of this work of literature. [*DISCLAIMER*] I just finished my first novel by Ayn Rand, a person who, I am ashamed to say, I had not even heard of […]

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