Vampires, Steampunkery, and a Y-axis called Whimsy

I love booksI don’t have anything terribly profound to say this week so I will take a page out of Becca Campbell’s book and just tell you what has been keeping me occupied lately.

Last weekend I had a debatably successful Consortium meeting with Courtney, Aaron, and Josh.  I say debatable becuase we had a small debate and I’m not really sure who won.  I guess we ended up compromising? No, it was all good, and I came away from it with another one of Josh’s memorable quotes: “The x-axis represents relevancy, while the y-axis is whimsy” complete with arm representations of the x- and y-axes. I also got to talk over the final edits of Colors of Deception with Courtney.  This is her book that is being released mid-April through the Consortium and one of the novels I’m more proud to admit I edited. It was a good book to start with and Courtney took all my edits really well.  🙂

So while I was at Josh’s he lent me The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which I’ve been wanting to read becuase it is steampunk and a graphic novel, neither of which I have ever really had a chance to delve into before.  I enjoyed it and also realized that I would probably like it even more if I knew as much about comic books as Josh does. He talks a little bit about it in this blog post.

Now I’m reading Dracula and The Outsiders.  The Outsiders is sort of for work.  I am editing a book that is in the same genre so it seemed like a good idea to see what other authors in the same vein have been doing. Dracula is because I think we should all (at least attempt to) research the origins of elements in our pop culture.  Vampires are really big right now, and as I mentioned in my review of The Sherlockian, Bram Stoker seems like a really interesting guy. I am also going to start on Outlander soon because I’m reading it for book club at work.  Yes, we have book clubs at my work.  I love my job.

Things around work are rather hectic as we finish up with March and delve into April.  We get a whole new list of authors each month in addition to having to send our other authors their edits.

As for the writing scene, I managed to come up with around six hundred words yesterday, so let’s count that a success! I think it helped to listen to my playlist of songs that would be in the movie if my book were a movie.

So basically I have been reading and editing, editing and reading, with a dash of writing.  Words, words, words! I can never escape them!  It’s a good thing I don’t want to.  ;P

Posted in Reading

3 Responses to Vampires, Steampunkery, and a Y-axis called Whimsy

  1. Laura Morgan says:

    I’ve been intending for a while to read Dracula (why doesn’t spellcheck know that word?!) and The Outsiders. I’ve been working slowly on reading my first graphic novel too—The Wizard of Oz. Yay words!

    • jessie says:

      Laura! Hi! The Wizard of Oz has been written as a graphic novel? How does that work? I’ve heard that Dracula is really boring until the end so I’ll let you know how it goes.

  2. I’ll be interested to hear what you think of Outlander. In general, I really like the series — but especially in the first book, there are a few scenes that are…um…difficult.

    And yes, with the help of Josh’s armful of illustrations :D, I do believe we arrived at a good compromise. 😉

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