A New Day, a New Blog

I love booksI feel that a new blog deserves some new words to announce its arrival.  Over here at Stormy Night Publishing we’re going to be looking at what makes a “good” book and ways we can hold ourselves to those standards.  As I’ve been reading Stein on Writing, I realize that I know a lot of the rules and ideas he has there for how to make a successful story, but I have forgotten to use them in my own writing.  We all need reminding from time to time.

Since my goal is to read fifty-five books this year, theoretically I should be posting a book review at least once a week.  Throughout the week I’ll also share other words of wisdom that may come to me, or perhaps something I’ve written that I’m especially proud of (and then take it right back off here after I realize how atrocious it is).

That’s about all I have to say for now.  I suggest  you check out my about pages.  They go a little more in depth about what what’s gong on here.  Also, while you’re on the left-hand navigation pane (edit: right-hand, sorry!), go ahead and check out my friends.  They’re all really awesome artists that I am so glad to have in my life to inspire and encourage me, and many times they just give me some great constructive criticism.

Posted in Reading, Writing | Tagged as:

4 Responses to A New Day, a New Blog

  1. Mara says:

    You mean your other left…

  2. R Michener says:

    Great site. I really like the organization and categories. Please express my appreciation to the designer husband.

    • jessie says:

      Thanks! I also got your voicemail this morning. Actually I picked out the theme and had Sean install it, and then what I couldn’t organize myself I told him how I wanted it. But yes, he was good at following instructions, wasn’t he?

  3. Yay! The new blog looks great, Jessie! I love the turning gears + typewriter theme. It conjures up so many thoughts on everything that goes on behind-the-scenes as we write. And yes, we surely do need reminders to pay attention to such things. Bring it on! 🙂

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